Ruslana Ruchka
Ruchka Ruslana, 17 years old
The place of birth: Volnovaha, Ukraine
The date of birth: 26th of September, 2000
The way of ArtStudying: the Art School
Competitions and exhibitions she took part in: winner of the drawing competition “Chernobyl by children’s eyes”, 2014; the edition of the book “Painted Fox” by I. Franko with Ruslana’s illustrations, 2015; the personal exhibition in the House of Culture of Railwaymen of Volnovaha, 2015; the first place in the regional competition-exhibition ” Celebrate the 160th anniversary of the birth of the Great Kamenyar”, dedicated to the work of I. Franko, in the nomination “Decorative and Applied Art”, 2016; active participation in the regional competition of drawings “The World by Children’s Eyes”, 2016; the Certificate of appreciation, XVI International Competition of Visual Art “I live near the Sea” (Latvia), 2017; Towards talents project, Kiev, Ukraine, 2017