Natalia Mykytenko


Mykytenko Natalia, 16 years old

The place of birth: Kryvoi Rog, Ukraine

The date of birth: 4th of September, 2001

The way of ArtStudying: self-taughted

Competitions and exhibitions she took part in: the competition of children’s art “Unity and Tolerance”, 2016; the Ukrainian competition of drawings "House under a rainbow", 2016; the competition of painting "Bird of the Year 2016", 2016; The Ukrainian Young Artists' Competition Comfi Art Prize 2016; the competition of art in the social advertising sphere  “Divide and rule”, 2016; the Ukrainian competition of cartoonists "Discrimination and Tolerance" 2016; competition of drawings "How I see my future", 2017; the International competition of drawings for the day of cosmonautics "How beautiful our planet is", 2017; Towards talents project, Kiev, Ukraine, 2017