Anastasia Vozniuk



Vozniuk Anastasia, 14 years old

The place of birth: Letichev, Ukraine

The date of birth: 6th of June, 2003

The way of ArtStudying: the classes of Fine Arts of Letichev Center for Creativity of Children and Youth

Competitions and exhibitions  she took part in: The Ukrainian competition of drawing “My rights” in 2016; The diploma of the 2nd degree of the Ukrainian State Center for Out-of-School Education for work at the Ukrainian Children’s Drawing Competition on the topic: “Ukraine is a European Power” 2016; * Acknowledgment of the Main Territorial Department of Justice in Khmelnytsky region to the participant of the regional stage of the competition of school drawings “My rights” in the nomination “Average group.Individual work” 2016; The Ukrainian children’s drawing competition on the theme “Ukraine – the European state”, 2016, 2017; The Competition of children’s drawings on the theme: “Dreamed Ukraine with the eyes of children” 2017;  The Ukrainian festival-competition of children’s and youth creativity “Lesson of fairy tales” in 2017; The Ukrainian Christmas and New Year’s exhibition “New Year’s composition” 2016; The Regional correspondence exhibition-competition of decorative and applied arts “Know and love your land” 2016, 2017; Towards talents project, Kiev, Ukraine, 2017