Olga Nenazhivina
- Osipov, Alexei. “Olga Nenazhivina. Asian perception of a maverick artist. RU NY, New York, January 12, , http://www.runyweb.com/articles/culture/art/olga-nenazhivina-interview.html
- Chromatic Watch, February 19, 2016, http://thechromaticwatch.com/post/139584560483/olga-nenazhivina-being-is-a-delicacy-the-thought
- Shklyarevskaya, Margarita. “Sakura Branch. Olga Nenazhivina.” The Sky with Diamonds, New York, 2016
- Sullivan, Rebecca. “The Brilliance of Olga Nenazhivina.” Upscale Living Magazine, August 20, 2013, http://upscalelivingmag.com/the-brilliance-of-olga-nenazhivina/
- Nicoleta, Mihaela. “Russian in New York.” MAMi Magazine. New York, SUMMER 2013, 70 – 71, http://issuu.com/algie/docs/summer2013jvdas
- Strickland Vintage Watches. 2013 Calendar. Tampa, Florida, USA, 2013, (a reproduction of the painting “Moment”), Page – March.
- Fabio. “Olga Nenazhivina.” FILE Magazine, (FILE/blog). London, United Kingdom, 29 October 2012, http://file-magazine.com/blog/olga-nenazhivina
- “Eastern Diary.” Radikaliai Magazine. Lithuania, October 22, 2012, http://radikaliai.lt/radikaliai/1206-oriental-diary
- Hermit – via Editores. “A arte de Olga Nenazhivina.” Hierophant Magazine. October 19, 2012, http://www.hierophant.com.br/arcano/posts/view/Hermit/2305
- Kuzminih and Kozlova. “Visual art of the Russian Federation. The Far East.” Anthology, Volume 1, (Moscow, Russia: Pranet, 2012), 198 – 199.
- Sulkin, Oleg. “Garden of paintings by Olga Nenazhivina.” REPORTER Russian-American Daily. New York, 04.11.2012, #72 (286), http://reporterru.com/?p=23685
- Shklyarevskaya, Margarita. “Sakura Branch.” RUSSIAN BAZAAR Russian- American Newspaper. New York, 03.22.2012, #12 (831), http://russian-bazaar.com/en/content/80758.htm
- Shaefer, Jessica. “SoHo’s Art Revival.” ARTLOG. Sunday, March 23, 2012, https://www.facebook.com/notes/olga-nenazhivina/artlogs-sohos-art-revival/539144172762560
- Mimi Ferzt Gallery. “Olga Nenazhivina, Sojourn.” ARTLOG. March 15, 2012, http://artlog.com/events/86528-olga-nenazhivina-sojourn
- Interview with Olga at Pouch [ポーチ]. Pouch [ポーチ]. Tokyo, Japan, June 13, 2012, http://youpouch.com/2012/06/13/68366/
- Andreev, Michail. “Olga Nenazhivina, Yellow Iris.” ARTSOFIA on-line art critic. 2012, http://artsophia.ru/artcritique/decor/5471-irisy.html
- Hollerbach, Serge. “From the Edge of Vladivostok.” ART VLADIVOSTOK on-line art gallery. 08.31.2010, http://www.artvladivostok.ru/2010/08/31/hollerbach-nenazhivina-olga
- Vainshelboim, Isaac. “Japanese Theater in Soho.” FORUM Russian-American Jewish Weekly Newspaper. New York, 08.26.2010, #303, http://russianvoice.net/press/forum303.pdf
- Sulkin, Oleg. “Russian Soul in a Japanese Kimono” review of The Exhibition “Olga Nenazhivina: From The Edge of Vladivostok” by critic Oleg Sulkin. VOICE OF AMERICA News. New York, 08.21.2010, http://www.golos-ameriki.ru/content/new-yourk-exhibition-2010-08-21-101229409/187660.html
- Vainshelboim, Isaac. “How Rock and Grass are Born.” FORUM Russian-American Jewish Weekly Newspaper. New York, 08.31.2007, #147.
- “In New York Exhibition of Olga Nenazhivina.” Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, RFE/RL. New York, 15.08.2007, http://www.svoboda.org/content/news/407282.html
- Hollerbach, Serge. “East and West.” NOVOYE RUSSKOYE SLOVO Russian-American Newspaper. New York, 08.14.2007, #33, 669.
- Hollerbach, Serge. “Eastern Diary.” NoMI Art Magazine. Saint Petersburg, Russia, April, 2007, # 4 / 57, 40 – 41.
- Batova, Tatiana. “By Pen and Sunny Talent. America discovered Russia through the art of Primоrsky artist.” Rossiyskaya Gazeta Daily Newspaper of record. Russia, March 17, 2006. #53 (4019).
- Floyd, Shawn. “Art Centre Show Lauds First-Timers.” Inside Entertainment News. USA, May 29, 2005, 4A.
- Batova, Tatiana. “Miracle born from chaos,” Slovestnitsa Iskusstv Magazine. Khabarovsk, Russia, 2004, #1 (13), 84 – 87, http://issuu.com/83163/docs/si_13/85?e=5178993/1173535
- Batova, Tatiana. “Journey with the Follow Up. One More Photo-Glance at Japan.” Vladivostok Daily Newspaper. Vladivostok, Russia, Nov. 2004.
- Shugaylo, Tatiana. “Connecting line of the beauty.” NOVOSTI Daily NewspaperNov.16, 2004. http://daily.novostivl.ru/archive/?sstring=&year=&f=ct&t=041116ct01
- Berchanskaya, lyubov. “One Canvas and 20 Artists. Eastern Diary Project in Toyama.” Vladivostok Daily Newspaper. Vladivostok, Russia, 10.22.2004.
- Dilaktorskaya, Olga. “Eastern Diary as a Bridge of Art.” Arsenyaevskie Vesti Weekly Newspaper. Vladivostok, Russia, 10.06.2004, #40 (603), http://www.arsvest.ru/archive/issue603/world/view5695.html
- “Visiting Contemporary Art Museum in Toyama.” Kitanihon Shimbun. Japan, Sept. 3, 2004.
- “Join Exhibition with the Artist from Vladivostok.” Kitanihon Shimbun. Japan, Sept. 2, 2004.
- “Fine art exhibition dedicated to the friendship with Vladivostok.” KBN News. Japan, Sept. 2, 2004.
- Dilaktorskaya, Olga. “Eastern Elegy.” Arsenyaevskie Vesti Weekly Newspaper, Vladivostok, Russia, 12.25.2003, #52 (563), http://www.arsvest.ru/archive/issue563/world/view4095.html
- Vishnyovskaya, Mila. “Pages of Eastern Diary.” NOVOSTI Newspaper. Vladivostok, Russia, 11.26.2003.
- Mirzin, Eugene. “Local Artists Were Invited to Toyama.” Konkurent Weekly Newspaper. Vladivostok, Russia, 11.25-30.2003, #46 (656).
- Mazneva, Tatiana. “Eastern Diary Continued.” Konkurent Weekly Newspaper. Vladivostok, Russia, 10.05.2003, #38 (648).
- Filipova, Svetlana. “Where The Heart of The Biennially is Beating.” NOVOSTI Newspaper. Vladivostok, Russia, July 10, 2003.
- Yakou, Hisashi. “Russian Art in the Far East and Sakhalin,” Research and Education Center of Lifelong Learning. Hokkaido University of Education. Hokkaido, Japan, March 2002, 138 – 139, http://ci.nii.ac.jp/els/110000039408.pdf?id=ART0000370531&type=pdf&lang=en&host=cinii&order_no=&ppv_type=0&lang_sw=&no=1371844092&cp=
- Koritko, Svetlana. “Horizons” of Nenazhivin Artists.” Konkurent Weekly Newspaper. Vladivostok, Russia, 08.21.2001, # 32 (540).
- Gerasimova, Anastasiya. “Nenazhivins in Artetage. Irina, Olga and Valery.” NOVOSTI Newspaper. Vladivostok, Russia, 08.21.2001, http://daily.novostivl.ru/archive/?sstring=&year=&f=ct&t=010821ct0
- Gerasimova, Anastasiya. “Nenazhivins as a Family.” NOVOSTI Newspaper. Vladivostok, Russia, 08 08.16.2001.
- Bogemsky, Dmitry. “A triple portrait in a family interior.” Komsomolskaya Pravda Daily Newspaper. Russia, 08.15.2001.
- A.Gorbonos. “Triptych of Nenazhivins.” UTRO ROSSII Daily Newspaper. Russia, 08.02.2001, #158 (2556).
- M.Briman. “Young Artists.” Sovetskaya Kultura Weekly Newspaper. Russia, 09.06.1977, #72 (5080).
- V.Semkin. “Taking Care of Our World.” DAL’NEVOSTOCHNYY MORYAK Daily Newspaper. Russia, 06.07.1977, # 65 (7313).
- V.Anikeyev. Sovetskaya Rossiya Weekly Newspaper. Russia, 06.05.1977, # 131 (6379).
- A. Tarasov. Komsomolskaya Pravda Daily Newspaper. Russia, 05.29.1977.
- T.Orehov. “Sisters Drawing,” Krasnoye Znamya Daily Newspaper. Russia, 05.21.1977, #118 (17959).
- O.Timofeev. “Sun in Every Drawing,” Pacific Komsomolets Daily Newspaper. Vladivostok, Russia, 05.19.1977, # 60 (4096).