Mikhail Turovsky with Sofia Turovsky
Selected Public Collections
The National Art Museum of Ukraine; Kiev, Ukraine.
The National Museum Kiev Art Gallery; Kiev, Ukraine
The State Tretiakov Gallery; Moscow, Russia.
The Museum of Contemporary Art, Kiev, Ukraine.
The Museum of Ukrainian Art; New York, USA.
Albright College Freedman Gallery; Reading, PA
Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art; Cornell University; Ithaca, NY, USA.
Hofstra University Museum; Hempstead, NY, USA.
The Snite Museum; University of Notre Dame; Indiana, USA.
Savannah College of Art and Design; Savannah,GA, USA.
Ghetto Fighters Museum; Kibbutz Lohamei Haghetaot, Israel.
Tel Aviv Art Museum; Tel Aviv, Israel
Yad Vashem Memorial Art Museum; Jerusalem, Israel.
Lvov Museum of Art; Lvov, Ukraine.
Odessa Museum of Art; Odessa, Ukraine.
Kharkiv Museum of Art; Harkov, Ukraine.
Selected Private Collections
Dr. and Mrs G. Aronov, Kiev Ukraine.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Attard; France.
Dr. R.T. Baker and Ms B. Anfield; Ottawa, Canada.
Dr. L. Bley, NYC, New York, USA.
Dr. V. Bondarovskaya; Kiev, Ukraine.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Balka, New York, USA
Dr. L. Dolinskaya; Kiev, Ukraine.
Mr. J.P. Carroll and Dr. R. Carroll; New York, USA.
Mrs. M. Duboule; Switzerland.
Mrs. C. Dupont-Tobias; Delaware, USA.
Mr. Helmut Folk Estate; California, USA.
Mr. and Mrs. M.W. Goldman; New Jersey, USA.
Dr. and Mrs. M. Goligorsky; New York, USA.
Dr. D. Gorbachev, Kiev, Ukraine.
Mr. and Mrs. I. Guberman; Jerusalem, Israel.
Mr. and Mrs. Helwasser; Paris, France.
Mr. and Mrs. Jean Pierre Huron; Montpellier, France.
Mr. Armand Israel; Paris, France.
Mr. Christiane Karembeu, France.
Mrs. Marina Kovalev, New York, USA
Mr. and Mrs. J.Leader, New York, USA
Dr. L. Levinsky; New Jersey, USA.
Dr. I. Likhtenstein and Dr. L. Fialkov; Haifa, Israel.
Mr. T.E. Mantout; St. Marten.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Melnyk; Kiev, Ukraine.
Mrs. V. Meed; New York, USA.
Dr. and Mrs. G. Rasin; New Jersey, USA.
Mr. S. Sinelnikov, Florida, USA.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Oberlander; New Jersey, USA.
Mr. and Mrs. Pouchard; France.
Mr. Jacques Sbarrato; Monaco.
Mr. Jean Tiberi; Paris, France.
Mr. I. Voronov; Kiev, Ukraine.
Ms. Tatyana Borodina, New Jersey, USA.
Mr. Aleksandr Chernyahovsky, New Jersey, USA.
Publications by Mikhail Turovsky
2010 KNIGA (in russian): Tzikuta Press, NY – Kiev.
1990 Itch of Wisdom; Hemlock Press, NY.
1981 Itch of Wisdom(in Russian); Tzikuta Press, NY.
2018 “Human: Theme and Variatons” Exhibition Catalog, Kiev, Ukraine
“Credo” Exhibition Catalog, Kiev, Ukraine
2017 “Animate Forces”, Exhibition Catalog, New York, USA.
“Mikhail Turovsky Exhibition, Winter 2017”, Exhibition Catalog, CO, USA
2012 “Artists have vings”, Forum, May 24-30. NYC, USA.
2011 “In Memoriam of Victims of the Holocaust”, Illustrations, Chicago, USA.
History of Ukrainian Culture, vol. 5, book 1, Naukova Dumka, Kiev, Ukraine.
Interview with Anna Sherman, Anticvar #9(56), September, Kiev Ukraine.
2010 “Gallery of Ukrainian art”, Victor Khomenko, Art in Ukraine #5-6, Kiev, Ukraine.
“Hidden freedom”, Oleg Seedor-Guibelinda, Antikvar #5(43), May, Kiev, Ukraine.
“Lenin in Poland”, Dmitro Gorbachev, Art Ukraine #3(16) May-June, Kiev, Ukraine.
2009 “ By brush and by bow” M. Nemirovsky, Forum, October 29, NYC, USA.“Last lesson” Holocaust paintings in the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, V. Orlov, V Novom Svete, October 23-29, Brooklyn, NY, USA.
“Turovsky Exhibition at UN”,Forum, January 29, NYC, USA.“Holocaust” by Mikhail Turovsky”, I Kozatsker, Novoye Russkoye Slovo, January 27, NYC, USA.
Interview with Vladimir Nuzov, CHAJKA, No. 18, September 16-30, NYC, USA
“Mikhailo Turovsky (portrait-mosaic)” the National Art Museum magazine
”Muzeinij Provulok” No.1(12) Kiev. Ukrain
2005 Chelsea Art Museum Exhibition Catalogue (introductory essay by Serge Lenczner); NYC, US
NOMI (Novy Mir Iskusstva 4.45.2005) “Large Bodies: Great Success” by Serge Hollerbach, St. Petersburg, Russia.
“Mikhail Turovsky. Landscapes of The Flesh Traversed by The Soul” Serge Lenczner , Fine Art, Fall 2005, NewYork, USA. “Homage a Van Gogh”, Exhibition Catalogue, Arles, France.
2004 Mikhail Turovsky; Monograph text by Serge Lenczner; Preface by Gerard Xuriguera; Edicion Sauveur Attard; France.
2003 Anthology of 20thCentury Russian Satire and Humor: Aphorisms and Caricatures, Boris Krutier, Editor, Eksmo Publishing House; Moscow, Russia.
“Transcending Time, Turovsky Creates His Own Era”, Jamie Ellin Forbes, Fine ArtSpring 2002, New York.
2001 “Quarterly Report: Mikhail Turovsky”, Natalia Romanova, Kiev Telegraph, June 11; Kiev, Ukraine.
“Utopian Road”, Elena Stogol, Afisha#11, June 13; Kiev, Ukraine.
2000 “Mikhail Turovsky: Interview”, Art Panorama, November; Kiev, Ukraine.
1999 “Le obsessioni di Turovsky”, E.D.M., Il Gazzetino, July 28; Venice,Italy. Le Monde, June 14; Paris, France.
1998 “La vie au bout des doigts de Mikhail Turovsky”, Christine Rinaudo,Nice Matin, February 12; Nice, France.
“Mikhail Turovsky, Un Peintre Venu du Froid”, Martine Dubois, La Libre Belgique, April 6; Brussels, Belgium.
1993 “Turovsky a Nice”, Frederick Altmann, Nice Matin, January 2; Nice France.
1991 Martine Broda, La Nouvelle Observateur, October 14; Paris, France.
“Turovsky, La Dissidence en Peinture”, Patrick Bertomeau, Bordeaux Matin, February 19; Bordeaux, France.
“Un Moderne Classicisme”, B. F., Courier Francais, March 1; Bordeaux, France.
“Turovsky L’Histoire en Direct”, Art et Valeurs#23; France.
“Turovsky, Le Genie Qui Vient L’est”, Catherine Prelaz, La Suisse, November 8; Geneva, Switzerland.
1990 “Reinventer la Vie”, C.R., Lyon Matin, December 21; Lyon, France.
“Turovsky Un Great Ressuscite…”, Adrian Darmon, Dossier, November; France.
“Turovsky a Paris: un Triumphe”, Art et Valeur#19; France.
1989 “Paintings by Turovsky”, Sergei Hollerbach, New Russian Word, March 30; New York, USA.
1988 Conversations With Mikhail Turovsky”, Palmer Poroner,
Art Speak, December; New York, USA.
“A Passion to Create”, Douglas Martin, The New York Times, September 23; New York, USA.
Television and Radio Review
2016 “CONTACT”, Interview with Boris Tenzer, telechаnnel RTN
February 22, 10:30 a.m.; 11:30 p.m., New Jersey, USA
2014 “CONTACT”, Interview with Boris Tenzer, telechаnnel RTN
December 8-th, 10:30 a.m.; 11:30 p.m., New Jersey, USA
2012 “CONTACT”, Interview with Maya Pritsker, telechannel RTN, May 4-ht, 10:00 a.m., New Jersey, USA
“IN NEW YORK WITH VICTOR TOPALLER”, Interview with Victor Topaller, telechannel RTVi, May 5-th, 9:00 p.m. New York USA
Radio interview with Seva Kaplan, program “Narodnaya volna”, 87.7fm , May
2011 “CONTACT “, MIKHAIL TUROVSKY , Documentary Film,
Tamara Boyko, telechannel “ Cultura”, October 16, 19:30,October 24, 08:00. Interview, the National radio of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine.
2010 “Art-Arena” Interview with Alisa Karoli, telechannel “Cultura”, Novemer 26,19:20,
November 27, 00:20, 08:20, Kiev, Ukraine.
“Gromada” Interview with Alina Akulenko, the National radio of Ukraine, chanel 1, October 24, 1:30. Kiev, Ukraine.
“Gromada” Interview with Alina Akulenko, the National radio of Ukraine, chanel 1, January 31 and March 7, Kiev, Ukraine.
2009 “MEMENTO” Mikhail Turovsky exhibition at the Cathedral of Saint John the
Divine, Natalya Romanova, NTV America, October 25, New York, USA.
Interview with Sima Berezanskaya, Davidzon Radio, October 21, Brooklyn, N.Y., USA
“Persona grata”, Mikhail Gusev, NTV America, July 8, Fort Lee, New Jersey USA
“Holocaust” Mikhail Turovsky Exhibition at The United Nations, NTV America, January 2009.
2001 “Close Up”, S. Kuzin, Radio Ukraine International, June 27, 28, July 23
“Good Morning, Ukraine.” N. Steshenko, June 20.
2008 Interview with Leonid Hrabovsky, “Voice of America January, USA
1991 “Ovation Moscow”, S. Mulukov, October 19; Moscow, Russia.
“Aquitaine”, J.P. Dinand, M. Boulliez, October 22; Bordeaux, France.
“Geneva News”, Anne Bruschweiler, November 22; Geneva, Switzerland.
“FR3 News”, C. Donnet, J. Geneve, December 19; Lyon, France.
“Before and After Midnight”, Vladimir Molchanov, December 21; Moscow, Russia.
2017 The Artist (Художник)
Never again
- 2014 Russian-American “Artist of the year”.
- 2013 Gold Medal of The National Academy of the Arts of Ukraine
- 1991 Gold Medal of City of Lylle, France
- 1965-1968 Moscow Academy of Fine Art; Moscow, Russia.
- 1954-1960 Kiev Institute of Fine Art; Kiev, Ukraine.
- 1945-1952 Kiev School of Fine Art; Kiev, Ukraine.
- 1943-1945 Leningrad School of Fine Art; Samarkand, Uzbekistan.