Konstantin Yanov
Yanov Konstantin Pavlovich
Pre-war years
Konstantin Pavlovich Yanov born June 3, (May 21, Old Style), 1905 in the Polish city of Plock. Family Jāņi since the beginning of the 1900s lived in Plock, then in Vlotslavske, then in Warsaw, until the First World War. Father Constantine Pavlovich – Pavel Nikitich Yanov – served as a railway engineer. Mother – Anna Petrovna Yanov (born Hrustina) came from a merchant family Hrustinyh Petersburg. Her father – Peter Hrustin owned two houses in St. Petersburg near Yamskaya Sloboda (houses 34 and 36 on the street Borovoy). The family of Paul and Anne Jāņi had four children. Probably all children have artistic inclinations, that is. K. eldest son – Nikolai Pavlovich Janov (1903- 1982) later became known TASS press photographer, and then – art photographer; sister – Vera Janov (1907- 2004) – later – the wife of the famous graphic artist George Traugot well known today as the original, original artist who worked in the style of “primitive.” The younger son of the family, Alexander (1910- 1920), died young and did not have time to develop their abilities. However, before anyone in this remarkable family began painting is Constantine. Therefore, the return of the family to St. Petersburg in 1914, and entered the gymnasium Vvedensky, Konstantin began attending drawing classes at the Society for the Encouragement of Arts. Prior to 1920 he studied at the Constantine Yanov OPH Professors Schneider and Eberling. After graduating from high school without attending lectures, Constantine was already fifteen enrolled in the Faculty of Painting Academy of Fine Arts (then VHUTEMAS – VHUTEIN) in the class of professors Rylova and Belyaev. He was also engaged in the studio of Professor Savinskoye. Considered one of the most talented students, and noted that the professors and students, including such outstanding figures as George Traugott, Valentin Kurds Izraylit Lizak, Anatoly Kaplan and many other well-known artists today. In 1922-24, the year Constantine Yanov engaged in the class of Professor Vahrameeva, who all his life considered his favorite teacher. However, in 1924, the year Yanov, George Traugot and some other students “cleaned out” last year at the Academy of the “non-proletarian” origin. The official reason was voiced deductions common in those days, the wording “for formalism.” After a while, students were asked to return to the academy for graduation and diplomas, but in the printing department. They returned almost everything, but 19-year-old Yaniv considered himself a painter and held to compromise refused.
That is already a young student, and perhaps – before, Yanov felt his artistic isolation, unwillingness and inability to be like someone else, or to join any of the many creative directions while.
So, he did not belong to the “left” nor “right”, realizing his original concept creative display of reality, once and for all, choosing their own unique handwriting, which can not be defined either as symbolism, nor as pure mysticism willows or other current and styles.
Its still a student, invited to cooperate Matyushin. In the mid-twenties he praised the painting Midsummer schedule Vladimir Lebedev. Janow, of course, appreciated and respected great artists, but did not want to sacrifice one iota of his independence. Therefore I prefer to be a loner all his life, to engage in “pure art” without hope of recognition. For sustenance Constantine went to work at the studio “Belgoskino”, later divided into “Lenfilm” and “Lennauchfilm.” It is “Lennauchfilm” Yanov and worked without interruption for 45 years. Before World War II the artist after – director of scientific cinema.
Even in the Academy, Constantine met a young artist, a graduate of the Kazan Academy of Fine Arts (workshop of Nicholas Feshina), Natalia Ponomareva (1895-1942). Young people love each other, and since 1926, the year began to live together. Constantine and Natalia often portrayed each other. Not only mutual love, but also the original appearance of the spouses – artists gave food for inspiration. They lived in an apartment Yanov, at Bolshaya Pushkarskaya, Building 3, Apt. 6. It is in this apartment lived a family with 1916 (immediately after returning Yanov lodged in the house of a friend and colleague of the father of Paul Yanov – Engineer spondylitis (brother of the famous psychiatrist). By 1916, the ninth year the family lived already Pushkarskaya in house of merchant Vasily Kirillov, who was married to the sister of Anna Janov Hrustinoy. It is in this apartment Vera Yanov – favorite and the only sister of Constantine, met with his best friend, fellow student George Traugott. Later, Traugott and George, who had married the sister of Constantine, and the children of the Faith and George – Alexander and Valery Traugot will live there. And in 1926 in this apartment live Pavel and Anna Janov, Janov Constantine Natalia Ponomareva and Vera Janov. Constantine and Natalie totally alien to everyday problems, their world – painting. Only painting, without sleep or rest. Even earlier, in the years of chaos, in a house on Pushkarskaya, 3 rented an apartment Anna Akhmatova. Constantine Yanov while already knew by heart all the poems were printed Gumilyov, was reading the works of Fyodor Sologub. Families were familiar. In the twenties, the husband of Anna Akhmatova, a well-known critic of Puning appreciate the work of Constantine Janov. However, the painting exhibit so far from socialist realism to gain traction is no longer possible … Once pasted the label of “rootless cosmopolitans” had to wear life.
During the Siege of Constantine Janov worked, removing war films in their native “Lennauchfilm.” Like everyone else, I put out high-explosive bombs, digging trenches. Getting a tiny ration serving daily go to work on foot. Lived with the 1930s Constantine and Natalya close from home-Kirillovykh Jāņi at Zverinskaya str., House 18, got a room in a communal apartment. The studio was in the Nevsky district. By 1942, the ninth year with growth of Constantine 192 cm weighing 40 kg, bought scurvy, dystrophy of the third stage, could not get out of bed. Natalya died of starvation in September 1942.
After it surely would have died, and Constantine. Saved studio collaborators. Constantine endured at the hands of the apartment and taken to the evacuation of Novosibirsk. For several months the artist spent in the hospital in Novosibirsk, after discharge continued to work in the branch of the studio, is located in the same place – in Novosibirsk.
When he returned to work in 1944 in Leningrad posleblokadnom, Janov discovered that the family Jāņi in families their close relatives were killed, almost all – a few dozen people. Killed in different cities of the country and all the relatives of Natalia Ponomareva. Miraculously preserved paintings and even a small number of drawings of the blockade of Constantine. The apartment in which they lived and died, and Constantine Natalia occupied by other people, and Constantine settled back in the apartment of his parents, who died in the siege, next to his beloved sister and her family.
The postwar years.
Not wanting to embarrass the family’s sister, in 1946 Constantin Janow moved into a tiny room in a communal apartment at Bolshoy pr., PS, Building 19, Apt. 60. The room as small as 13 square meters, keep the pre-war canvases Natalia Ponomareva, and Constantine himself had almost nowhere. Just do not buy what to buy materials for painting – brushes, paints and canvas. In 1946 Constantine marries returned from evacuation actress and artist Margaret Sahk (her first husband Shishmareva) and his meager salary includes his wife and her eight-year daughter from his first marriage. However, completely quit painting he can not, then there are “small forms” of paintings, graphics mixed media. Stories and songs performed on any paper came to hand, worn brushes to the ground, the remains of the dry paint – watercolor, tempera, gouache …
Soon they are born daughter of the total Margarita – the long-awaited, only Elena, “Lialechka.” But anyway – the main creation – a matter of life, necessary as air – painting! At night, sitting on the corner of a narrow double bed, pushing out of her box of paints, Constantine draws and paints so that “everyone looks beautiful sketch of the blade and can be increased to the extent of the frescoes.” (Alexander Borovsky, from the speech at the opening of an exhibition of works in Janov LOSH). Before the war, confederate, curator, was the muse never forget Natasha – Natalia Ponomareva. Now picturesque graphics Yanov subject only to its internal canons. No compromise with any official art or the underground at the time Jani had remained true to itself and its separate business “mystical symbolism.” Friends, colleagues at Yanov kinotsehu persuaded to put the work, but the artist knew that disclose their inner world and shape its expression in those days meant to kill himself and his family. Therefore, become a member of the Union of Cinematographers virtually since the founding of the Union of the above, the artist had never exhibited his works and did not try to join the LOSHa. By the inner circle of communication Constantine Yanov since his youth belonged GN Traugott, IL Lizak, Anatoly Kaplan, creative meetings and debates which took place on a regular basis. Several times a week, visited Constantine in Janov favorite sister Vera. Runs at least for a few minutes, .druzheski and creatively communicate with artists, happens in the hospitable home of his sister. This artist Sterligov and sisters Tatiana and Lyudmila Glebova, Koshelev poet, painter Schekatihinoy-Potocki, philosopher Druskin. All of them – the true connoisseurs of art, Constantine Janow showed their new works, and received positive reviews. Constantine and dearly loved his nephews – Alexander and Valery Traugot. Works uncle, his personality made a big impression on the boys. According to Valery Traugot, it has brought to my uncle brothers Traugot creative touch of mysticism and magic, as in childhood, along with his father – George Traugott, their first teacher. In the fifties the house was often Traugotov- Jāņi young Arefiev, other members of the “Arefyev circle”. Picturesque graphics, attitude Janov made a huge impression on young people. This effect was made later in the works of Aref’eva and his other colleagues on the underground.
Infinity and unusual fantasy Constantine Janov. So many subjects and themes
drawn from mysterious, terrible, but beautiful reality, dreams, Russian and Western Slavonic folklore. Children’s impressions of the early twentieth century, the beloved Poland, memories of which disturbed and inspires all the long life of the artist. One of the favorite authors of Constantine Janov was always Hoffman, shortly before the birth of Constantine who lived and worked was in Plock, where the family lived and the future of the artist until 1907. In his youth fond of mystical prose, Konstantin Gustav Meyrink. Echoes of these experiences can be traced in the work of Yanov throughout his life. But the color, light, gamma works Janov original and unique. During the life of the artist, some acquaintances, friends, colleagues tried – who jokingly, but who among other considerations, to imitate Janov. It does not work! In the seventies KP Janow then met with the famous artist Anatoly Zverev. Zverev, “took off his hat,” to the artist, whose work is highly praised. It was in 1974, Konstantin Yanov first time since the distant childhood had the opportunity to live and paint in your own room, t. To. The family finally got a separate apartment. Workshop of the artist, as a result of understandable reasons, was never. And now, its 10-meter room, and it is also a bedroom, and office and workshop. In retirement, he continued to come to the studio as a consultant. Creative work of the seventies survived a lot – it was the most fruitful period in the artist’s life. Energetic, friendly, selfless, Janov a lot of time to work with children and youth, is the art studio in the summer camp and school. He is a lecturer society “Knowledge”. He engaged in an amateur animation film studio D.K.im. Leningrad City Council. The main motto of the artist: “Not a day without brushes!”. Janov lives still more than modest without the material to return to painting with oil paints, or even buy a decent drawing paper. From scraps of cardboard, paper constructs hinge moving composition, which began to get involved in the thirties. Many of my own discoveries and inventions related to the pivotal figures he successfully used even in work at the studio, and now reports the experience of movie fans. Do not terminated and regular communication with friends, family sister. But the ranks of supporters radeyut. It does not become a best friend – George Traugot died kind, incredibly talented Izzy Lizak. It cares generation, but the memory remained, and became only the need for more creativity and live for him. Made possible the first exhibition, almost chamber, the walls of the studio “Lennauchfilm” in the Cinema House. The exhibition was an unqualified success, but the official art history shyly silent. According nephews Alexander and Valery Traugott: “The time for such an explosion has not yet come.” It does not come this time in 1986, when the exhibition has finished in the exhibition hall of the cinema “Baltika” was banned by the local authorities.
In the nineties, and until the death of 10 February 1996 Konstantin Yanov many sick, almost never left the house, but even then, whenever possible, visiting his sister and her children. Daily drawing, often suggests a new order in his vast archive. Unfortunately, after the death of the artist for many years there was no material or emotional or social opportunity to show the artist’s work to the public. It was not possible to draw even mat any significant part of the work. The early oil paintings were stored rolled without frames and stretchers. Only a few dozen paintings, displayed at the chamber exhibition in the seventies were suitable for display.
Finally, in 2009 the chairman of the section graphics LOSH-a favorite nephew and KP Yanov – VG Traugot decided that the time for the “bomb” which, according to Traugot was art graphics of his uncle, come. A number of papers were issued Janov. Unfortunately, Valery G. left this world in the same year 2009, and did not have time to see any exhibitions of his uncle and teacher. We do not see the artist and most of his contemporaries, several generations of people for whom, perhaps, acquainted with the work of Constantine Yanov not only would be a discovery, but could change the view of the history of Russian art of the 20 th century. Amazing strength and originality of the artist’s talents were noted by all, the entrance to the inner circle of communication, everyone who saw the exhibition of his works in the seventies, and historians, and art critics.
Tel.: 1-754-802-1371 Екатерина,
e-mail: konstantinyanovart@gmail.com Елена Янова